It could as simple as the blend door or air mix control motor is stuck or the gears are stripped. What happens is, when you change the temp this door moves and directs the air over the evaporator which cools the air. When this breaks/fails, the air is not directed over the evaporator so it is only passing over the heater core which heats the air and then it comes into the cabin. This is why when you used to raise the temp or lower it, the actuator would grab the gear again or unstuck itself and it would start working. Now that it does not work, most likely the gears are stripped and it can no longer move the door.
The rear works because it appears your vehicle has a rear system that is completely separate.
There is a chance that a temp sensor is reading improperly but based on what you described, the actuator makes more sense. We would need to hook a scan tool to the computer and see what the temp sensors are reading to rule this out. Again, it is unlikely because it appears this stays blowing hot even when you are not using the Auto setting. Normally we only use the temperature sensors to control heat/cool in the auto setting.
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Monday, April 29th, 2019 AT 1:30 PM