This is a long story, but aren't they all. 2002 Ford Taurus w/approximately 110,000 miles on it (6 cylinder). Check engine light came on. Took car to retailer who said fuel injector (#4) needed to be replaced. Had work done. Few days or couple weeks later, engine light on again. Took back to retailer who now says on board computer shorted out fuel injector and both need to be replaced. Had work done. Few days or couple weeks later check engine light comes back on. Take back to same retailer. This time they say it is a compression issue. They put some fluid in it to see if that resolves compression issue. It doesn't. Take back to retailer. At one point retailer says that gas is being dumped out into cyclinder. Since we are trying to get it to pass emissions test they say they can increase RPM temporarily. They do that, and car passes emissions. Take car back and they lower RPM. Have car back for about a month, and driving down highway car begins to sputter and feel like it is going to die. This is big time sputter. Also hear horrible noise. Then it surges and picks up speed, then sputters heavily again.
Previously, car would feel like it was sputtering a little bit when idling (sitting at stop sign/stop light) (even before check engine light came on in the first place). But nothing like this. Had car towed to mechanic who recommended (after looking at car for about an hour) that I take it back to retailer. Mechanic thought issue was related to what retailer had done, because lots of gas is being dumped out into cylinder.
Have car towed to retailer. Retailer is now telling me that something broke in the engine (even though they didn't take engine apart). Says engine needs to be rebuilt.
I'm wondering how much it will cost to have a 2002 Ford Taurus engine rebuilt? Plus, is it possible retailer "broke" something?
Saturday, February 10th, 2007 AT 11:25 AM