I found the bypass pulley for 27.79 at www. Rockauto. Com use my discount code they gave me in the how did you hear about us box and you will save another 5 percent the number is 39976513242193. That link only take's you to the part not how to do it.You would buy the pulley remove your old compressor and mount the pulley in place of it pretty simple.www.rockauto.com has it cheaper if you go to that website select your car and engine U click the heating and air conditioning tab then click the a/c compressor bypass pulley and it will show you a picture of the part i'm talking about.
Removal and Installation
1. Rotate the drive belt tensioner clockwise and remove the drive belt.
2. To install, reverse the removal procedure.

1. Disconnect the power steering pressure hose.
2. Prepare the vehicle for A/C compressor removal.
1 Disconnect the battery ground cable.
2 Recover the refrigerant.
3 Remove the RH cooling fan.
4 Remove the drive belt.
3. Remove the nut. Detach the power steering pressure hose bracket.
4. Remove the nut. Detach the power steering pressure hose.
5. Disconnect the compressor manifold and tube assembly spring lock coupling. Remove and discard the O-ring seal.
o During installation, install a new O-ring seal lubricated with PAG oil or equivalent.
6. Disconnect the compressor manifold and tube assembly.
1 Disconnect the dual function pressure cutoff switch electrical connector.
2 Disconnect the heated oxygen sensor electrical connector.
3 Remove the bolt.
4 Disconnect the compressor manifold and tube assembly. Remove and discard the O-ring seals.
* During installation, install new O-ring seals lubricated with PAG oil or equivalent.
7. Disconnect the compressor field coil electrical connector.
8. Remove the four bolts and the A/C compressor.
NOTE : The upper LH A/C compressor bolt must be removed with the A/C compressor.

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021 AT 12:15 PM