Friday, December 22nd, 2006 AT 12:37 AM
I have a 2001 Ford Ranger Edge V6 3.0 with 103000 miles. I have two noises coming from the engine. One occurs when I accelerate and when the speed remains constant the noise will subside and occur when I need to speed back up. Ford said it had to do with the EGR so I replaced the valve and still no luck. I am thinking that I may be the vaccum lines because after the truck is warmed up and they are taken off the valve the engine should show that something is not right. The other noise is coming from one of the pulleys b/c the belt was changed and the pulley next to the alternator was also changed. This pulley is located where the belt goes under it and has a smooth surface. Mabey they need to be aligned or it is the tensioner. Please any help would be greately appreciated. I have spent a lot of money trying to fix these problems. Your website is a lot of help. THANKS!