Friday, April 25th, 2008 AT 1:04 AM
Last week my engine started to sputter at idle when in gear, and would seem to "miss" while driving, then I got a check engine light flashing. The light would stop flashing and stay on solid while stopped and in neutral, but would start flashing again while driving. I took in to a shop and they said the codes say #3 and #4 cylinder missing. They replaced plugs, wires, fuel filter, pvc valve ( they said all looked original and needed to be replaced), cleaned throttle body and fuel system. My wife picked it up and they told her it would take some highway driving to get the junk out of the system, then should run fine. I drove it and it still idles rough when in gear, gets no pickup on initial start and will not exceed 60 without going into overdrive and staying there. No check engine light though. I tried revving the engine, but it bogs down after about 2500rpm. The truck also started to hesitate while driving on the highway. What should I ask the shop when I take it back to fix it right? What do you think the problem could be? Fuel pump? Transmission?