2001 Ford Ranger Coolant temperature

  • 2001 FORD RANGER
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 10,100 MILES
This has a 2.3L 4 cyl. The heat gage dosen't move from the bottom position and the heater doesn't put out any heat. (3 weeks now) I assumed it was a stuck thermostat and started calling around for a replacement. The only place that had them was Ford dealer for $128.00. Turns out that it includes a plastic housing that bolts to the side of the engine block. I did finally find one on-line for about half the cost. When it arrived I see that it has an electrical socket on it. My question- is this just a temperature probe built into the therostat housing? I just want to be sure it isn't a solenoid that operates the thermostat or some such exotic thing as that. Is there a way to check to be sure it is the thermostat that is causing the no-heat problem. Could it possibly be a fuse or relay?
Saturday, December 29th, 2007 AT 3:44 PM

2 Replies

  • 10,371 POSTS
First you should feel the heater core hoses, if one is hot and the other isnt, you should flush out the heater core.

If neither is hot you should check your heater control valve (located on the heater core hoses) it shoudl be able to be moved by hand if not replace it. Also if the hose before it is hot but not after it replace it.

To see if ther thermostat is causing it if the upper and lower radiator hose are the same temperature, then there is no problem wotj tje tjer, pstat/
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Saturday, December 29th, 2007 AT 6:09 PM
  • 17,250 POSTS
To test the temp sending unit use an ohm meter, take a reaging when it's cold leave the leads attached, as it warms up the resistance will decrease allowing the gauge to move! As for the lower and upper radiator hoses, the lower should be cooler than the upper, thats why we have radiators! The two hoses at the firewall for the core should both be hot!
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Saturday, December 29th, 2007 AT 6:47 PM

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