Saturday, December 29th, 2007 AT 3:44 PM
This has a 2.3L 4 cyl. The heat gage dosen't move from the bottom position and the heater doesn't put out any heat. (3 weeks now) I assumed it was a stuck thermostat and started calling around for a replacement. The only place that had them was Ford dealer for $128.00. Turns out that it includes a plastic housing that bolts to the side of the engine block. I did finally find one on-line for about half the cost. When it arrived I see that it has an electrical socket on it. My question- is this just a temperature probe built into the therostat housing? I just want to be sure it isn't a solenoid that operates the thermostat or some such exotic thing as that. Is there a way to check to be sure it is the thermostat that is causing the no-heat problem. Could it possibly be a fuse or relay?