2000 Ford Ranger loading up PO176

  • 2000 FORD RANGER
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 158,000 MILES
I bought the truck and drove it 40mil it started loading up and quit. I let set over night tried to start it it start up and ran fine. I took it to autozone to check for a code it came back po176 fuel cominsation malfution. That tells me nothing about how to fix it. HELP PLEASE!
Monday, May 19th, 2008 AT 11:23 PM

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  • 75,992 POSTS
P0176 fuel flex fuel composition sensor circuit malfunction.

I would try cheap and easy first. Look under the truck near the transfer case directly below the driver seat and you will find a 40-pin connector. It doesn't like water and has a habit of shorting all sorts of things together that relate to the rear half of the truck. Use a 10mm socket or wrench to open up the connector and you may find water/dirt/corrosion inside. Clean and dry with electrical contact cleaner and reassemble. If you can find dielectric grease (about $7/tube at auto parts, electrical supply house or Ford dealer), pack the pin area full of it before reassembly - it helps keep the water out.
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Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 AT 12:49 AM

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