The car is a Ford Focus 2001 1.6L zeetec automatic with 75000 miles on it. After having the car serviced the engine does not operate smoothly when in idle. The tachometer gage is at 900 rmp and it jerks up and down slightly, the jerking increases when the car is put in "Drive". When the car is in "Drive" but standing still it starts to rock forward and back. In addition when in a traffic jam in low speeds the rpm goes down suddenly to 400 and it looks like the car is going to stall but it doesn't, this happens randomly. When driving at speeds above 20mph the car works fine.
At service the Timing belt of the engine was changed, the spark plugs (motocraft orginal) oil, oil filter and air filter. Before the service the car was fine.
Wednesday, May 30th, 2007 AT 12:06 PM