Ford E350 stalls at stop signs when I press the accellerator

  • 1935 FORD F-350
Hi I have a 1991 Ford e350 van with a 5.7L engine, 130k miles, dual fuel tanks and 4spd-OD auto trans.

It has run fine since I bought it a year ago. I recently made a 1000 mile trip pulling a chevy s10 blazer and a vanload full of furniture. I did notice a substantial decrease in engine power at one point near the end of the trip, but it seems to be back to normal now.

Except for stalling at stop signs. When I pull up to a stop sign the engine lopes like it is going to stall. If I sit long enough there is a 50% it will stall on its own. When I step on the gas it always stalls, whether I press it lightly or floor it. I have to keep the engine rpms up by pressing the brake and accel at the same time when I stop to avoid stalling. Even this doesn't always work now though. After stalling it is very hard to restart and I have to give it plenty of gas to get it running again.

Also, turning overdrive off seems to help the problem a little bit, but not much. The problem has been getting progressively worse since it first started one week ago. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I can't afford to take it to a repair shop.

p.S. I did this same trip last summer towing my jetta and it went fine.
Saturday, April 7th, 2007 AT 10:02 PM

2 Replies

  • 1 POST
My 1991 Ford van has a fuel problem and I need to figure this out. I was told to drop the tank and have it cleaned out, change the fuel pumps and replace the fuel filter screens in each of the two tanks, the fuel pressure regulator. The high pressure pump change the filter under the drivers seat, like a can. I did this one in September 2006. Tune up in 2005

Does anybody know? I can't just replace everything as a garage suggested.

I had the throttle position sensor changed and thought this was the problem but it started all over when it got cold out.

I had trouble getting the van started all this winter and if I let it run at least 15 minutes in the driveway it would run better but not always. Sometimes it would act good for hours then when your in the worst possible place it will stall.

I was at an intersection that we call the diamond four cross roads. On Easter night we got stuck in the intersection for an hour. We finally pushed it out of the way and went back to get it this morning. I sprayed starter fluid in it and it started and ran ok for an hour then stalled again, it would not start no matter how hard I tried. I waited an hour then it started again. I drove it home and it's in the driveway.

Help what parts do I buy and replace?

If anyone has a suggestion then please write.

Videoguybob@mail2bob. Com

Thank you,

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Monday, April 9th, 2007 AT 10:31 PM
  • 100 POSTS
Your first description sounds like a vacuum leak to me. Check all of the vacuum hoses to make sure they are hooked up and not broken or rubbed through.
I have also map sensors do this same thing. To test it, I would disconnect the vacuum hose at the map sensor and the engine would smooth out.
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Tuesday, April 10th, 2007 AT 9:36 PM

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