Org/Blu=MAF return signal line, White/red=PCM power relay in the CCRM(constant control relay module) Most likley the problem...Brown/Black=PCM IN, Black/Yellow= Ground, another possible source.
Unplug the PCM connector and check the OHMs of the Or/Blu and Brn/Blk wires put one end of the teser on each end of the wire, and reading should be less that 5 ohms, if higher or OL is displayed, there is a short or break in the wire. Probe the Yel/Blk with one lead and ground the other, same readings apply 5 ohms or less. Test White/Red the same way. This is for a normal 2.0 escort, not a ZX2
Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 AT 2:39 PM