If it is leaking from the air filter then the purge valve is most likely leaking. This is what allows the vapor into the intake system so the engine can use it.
However, they need to make sure the valve is close when they are smoke testing it. Other wise they need to remove the feedline to the purge and plug it and then smoke test it.
In fact, here is the process to test this system from the manual. It sounds like to me that they may have not done it this way. By disconnecting each component as it says, they are separating the system so they can find where the leak is coming from.
Let me know if you have questions because this is one of the more confusing systems to try and diagnose. Most people just take a line loose and pump in smoke then replace anything that has smoke coming out and that is not always correct.
Lastly number 29 is the purge that I was talking about. It is located on the air filter housing.
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Saturday, August 22nd, 2020 AT 7:29 AM