Code P0446, EVAP Vent System Performance?

  • 3.1L
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 132,000 MILES
Dear technician,

In my car listed above I very often have the Check Engine Soon notification with this number: No. P0446 and text: EVAP Vent System Performance.
My capable car-technician (experience with USA-cars) told me it has to do with this:
Gasoline vapor in the tank is sucked to the engine through a thin pipe with 2 valves.
Valves are opened/closed by the car-electronics, call it system, and based on that the system says OK (does nothing) or reports the PO 446-error.
Note: he has a device to control & simulate & read the system, below I call it “screen”.

He cleaned and checked the gasoline-inlet if it is closed 100%, it’s OK.
He tested the thin pipe and the valves, no blockage and no leaks.
To be sure he replaced one valve (close to the tank).
To check the wiring, he needs a drawing of the system with the numbers/colors of the wires on it.
Please be so kind to email me that drawing so we can check the wires.
A few more questions:
- Can we test the wires & valves by opening them using the system?
If yes, please send the codes/commands/nrs. We must use on the system’s screen.
- When and based on what sends the system signals to the valves?
- Is there a device that measure a vacuum or something else and sends a signal to the system?
- How to simulate that? Do something with the measuring-device? (If there is one.)
Can we see on the screen of the device-controller what that measuring-device does?
Can we simulate a certain value and hear the valves opening/closing?
- When does the system do what it must do, just by interval or?

In Holland we have a saying:
It takes only 1 fool to drive a 1000 men crazy, just by asking them too many questions.
Now I feel like that fool, hope I didn’t drive you crazy...
Awaiting your answers,
Kind regards,
Adrian B.
Monday, September 16th, 2024 AT 6:47 AM

1 Reply

  • 45,703 POSTS
Lol you are okay :) To me it sounds like the purge control valve is not working or you have a hole in the EVAP system somewhere.

The purge valve is top rear of the engine, behind the ignition control module, is that the valve they changed? The EVAP valves are controlled by the PCM so here is the engine and EVAP system wiring diagrams so you can see how the system works and which wires to test. Also, I have included this guide which can help you with the testing:

This guide can help as well:

Check out the images (below). Please let us know what happens.

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Monday, September 16th, 2024 AT 12:04 PM

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