Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 AT 3:20 PM
Replaced plugs, wires, injectors, fuel pump and sending unit, and put in a used pressure regulator. Truck starts, runs fine for about 10 miles and shuts off. Might restart but dies again. Won´t restart until it sits a while. Overnight it will restart normally. Less time, say 1/2 hour, you have to depress accelerator to disable fuel injectors and wait for it to fire. When this happens there is no fuel at the Schrader on the rail. Is it possible for the pressure regulator to not allow fuel through or can it lost vacuum? I was going to try a new pressure regulator. I want to test for vacuum at the intake where the regulator line connects. Truck probably has a bad trans as it won´t shift out of 2nd into 3rd and hesitates to shift into 2nd from 1st but that's another issue altogether. Before I can look into that I can´t have it stalling on me when testing. Thanks for all the help you guys provide. I generally can diagnose and repair things myself, but it is nice to have some assistance sometimes. I will move on to the transmission issue later.