I don't mean to confuse you. The pics you attached are for the variable valve timing sensors. There are four on this car. For me to know which one was turning on the light, I need the diagnostic trouble code. It will be a number like P0011 or P0014.
The idea is this. If I know the code, I can tell if the correct sensor was replaced. If it was, then we have to check other things. One of the things that can set these codes is when the timing chain stretches. With the number of miles on the vehicle, that is possible. There are other things as well that can cause them.
Is there anything that they gave you that indicates the code that was found?
Let me know. Please let me know if you have questions. Honestly, I want to help not confuse you.
Take care,
Friday, August 7th, 2020 AT 11:31 PM