Hello this is Tom,
When you say the scanner wont work does that mean there is a plug but your not getting any action or its not turning on? Yes, those are the years that things were changing and the car companies were still on the learning curve and they tried all kinds of things while they were getting a grip. Does your car have the dtc plug at least? We might have to go the old school way but the idle air control valve could be sticking, I doubt it's the MAF. I would plug that back in and get a can of carburetor/injector cleaner have someone inside on the gas and battle each other, one person try to stall it with the spray the other try to keep the rpm's at 2,000. Take out the air filter and spray into the air intake and throttle body, is probably black with carbon build up in there. When your spraying it will want to stall the person on the gas will give it gas trying to keep it going. Unload the better half of the can trough there and see if you get a change when your done, you probably will.
Let me know what happens and Ill see what I can find on your system.
Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 AT 10:01 PM