Looking at the wiring for the A/C the relay if it has one as only the manual A/C and the high end climat-ronic system has one, is on the relay control box mounted behind the dash on the driver's side. You need to remove the dash cover in the drivers footwell to gain access to it. Then the fuse panel gets removed and the relay box is behind it, mounted to the electrical box. Looking at the way it is controlled I would try a few tests before I dug out the relay. Both relay versions use blue wire with brown stripes as the control. Both also use fuse 32 for power to the clutch through the relay. I would remove the center stack trim, then unbolt the HVAC control head and pull it out. Both types use the same removal and wiring connection. Now find the blue, brown wire at pin 8 on the control connector. Use a test light connected to battery positive and just touch that wire. If the relay, wiring and clutch are okay, you will hear the clutch click on and off as you apply and remove power. If you do hear that then the issue is on the other side of the system, either a low charge, bad pressure or temperature switch or similar, but you will know it isn't the relay and wiring that is stuffed in the dash. If you don't hear the clutch engaging, connect a second test light in its place to verify the relay and wiring and that would point to a bad clutch.
Please let us know what you find, and if possible, what the problem with the system is currently. Thank you
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Sunday, May 1st, 2022 AT 7:23 PM