It sounds like you have a shorted injector or oxygen sensor. Please disconnect the injectors and oxygen sensors and replace the fuse to see if it blows if it still blows the ECU could be bad here is the location and how to replace it.
1. TEST ECM GROUND CIRCUIT: Measure resistance between ECM and chassis ground using the backside of ECM harness connector as ECM side check point. If the problem is found, repair it.
Specification (Resistance): 1Ohms or less
2. TEST ECM CONNECTOR: Disconnect the ECM connector and visually check the ground terminals on ECM side and harness side for bent pins or poor contact contact pressure. If the problem is found, repair it.
3. If problem is not found in Step 1 and 2, the ECM could be faulty. If so, replace the ECM with a new one, and then check the vehicle again. If the vehicle operates normally then the problem was likely with the ECM.
4. RE-TEST THE ORIGINAL ECM : Install the original ECM (may be broken) into a known-good vehicle and check the vehicle. If the problem occurs again, replace the original ECM with a new one. If problem does not occur, this is intermittent problem.
Check out the diagrams (Below). Please let us know what you find.
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Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 AT 2:56 PM