Codes P0641, P2135, P0122 and P2106?

  • 3.8L
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 12,500 MILES
P codes p0641 p2135 p0122 p2106?
Friday, May 19th, 2023 AT 4:03 PM

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  • 5,055 POSTS
Hello, the first code P0641 is most likely causing the other 3 codes, P0641 has to do with the 5volt Reference feed going to many sensors on the vehicle. With all the throttle codes, it might be one of the throttle position sensors on the throttle body shorted out, pulling the 5 volts down, Ill post the diagrams for the sensors for you to unplug and check the voltage level, do you have a basic multimeter and or a scan tool?
This is the harness plug on the Throttle Body, if you unplug it and turn the key On, engine off, you should read 5 volts between pin 4(Grey wire 5 volt) and pin 8 (brown wire Ground). With the multimeter leads just touch the pins in the harness connector lightly, don't push the meter leads into the connector because it will spread the female connector pins.
If you read 5 volts, turn the key off, and connector still unplugged, with the multimeter set on Ohms setting, measure the resistance between pins 4 and 8, and then 1 and 5 of TPS sensor on the throttle body. Both should have a resistance of 4 to 6 kOhms (4000-6000 Ohms). If either are not within spec, let us know, if one of them is shorted it will pull the 5volt feed down, shorting it out to Ground.
There is also an APP sensor that signals the gas pedal movement, it can also be shorted out the same way, but we will check the throttle body first, just don't force the throttle plates in the throttle body open by hand, they can be damaged internally if they are pushed open.
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Friday, May 19th, 2023 AT 4:39 PM

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