Hi I have a 2002 Dodge Neon base model with nearly 87,000 miles on it. It's been doing this thing where in reverse it would kind of act like it's going to die, or stutter even, but never die. It'd occassionally do it when I first take off in drive too. I changed the spark plugs and it seemed to stop for a while. But lately it's started hesitating when I take off from a stoplight or something and then I'd hear a loud pop, then it'd take off ok. A week ago, on the way back from work, I was goin up a hill and at about 45mph, it downshifted and the car started to die, the check engine light flashed on an off a few times, and it dropped around 10mph. But, it never died and it kept going. I haven't driven it since. I was thinking about dumping the car off and buying something else, thinking that the repair work would probably not be worth it. But before I do, I figured I would see if you guys could guide me a little ways. Thanks in advance.
Wednesday, April 18th, 2007 AT 10:16 PM