I appreciate the diagram but I'm still confused. I'm not sure all my hoses are correct. I don't know what each componet is and I found it hard to follow in my Haynes manual. For instant this picture showing components, would be nice for the vacuum system if available. :D

Here are some pictures from under my hood.
The RED hose I had to add.

See the double "L" type conndctor. 8)

And now these will show how I routed it.
I would like an actual routing diagram. :idea:
Also the original hose had a CHECK VALVE. :shock:
I'm not sure which way it should check. :?:
I don't know where these hoses actually go to. :?

:arrow: It was originally a very small like 1/8" hard plastic tube. It had connectors to connect it to componets that had a larger tube diameter.
:( I was unable to salvage enough connectors and enough of it to connect to the components.
:oops: I am not sure how I was to add to the original queation and give feedback to the forum. without adding it as response to my original question. I'm also not sure if this flags you pros to answer my question. I have been finding it hard to get backto my posts and see if there is feedback. What's the best way to do this :?:
Thursday, September 13th, 2007 AT 10:35 PM