I have a 2001 Caravan Sport that's stuck in limp mode. Because of faulty information, I took out the ECM instead of the TCM and it was very easy. Mine is behind the driver's side headlight housing, between the battery and headlight housing. You disconnect the battery, unscrew two bolts on the top of the unit, then you have to take the headlight housing out to get to the bottom bolt (the bottom one seems to take FOREVER to get out). Then pull the two side connections off of the unit and you've got it. Install the new/reman. One in reverse order. I purchased my TCM from a remanufacture site that does both ECM's and TCM's. They reprogram to your make/model/VIN# and mileage. You send the old one back in a pre-paid box. There are several out there, but the one I used was: Auto Computer Exchange. Good luck!
Thursday, September 3rd, 2009 AT 11:51 AM