Happened to mine once. Usually when the solenoid contacts wear away, you will have an intermittent loud clunk from the starter but it won't crank the engine. In some cases, the plunger gets wedged between the worn spots in the two contacts and won't release. It will still keep cranking after you turn the ignition switch off. New solenoid contacts are available for 20 bucks.
If yours stops cranking when you turn the switch off, this also says the starter relay is not sticking. There is a metal cam on the end of the ignition switch tumbler that cracks. It usually causes everything to work normally EXCEPT the starter, but if that cam gets wedged in the crank position, it could cause the starter to stay energized. Try backing the ignition switch off just a little to see if the starter will stop spinning. If it does, suspect the ignition switch / cam. The dealer has an inexpensive repair kit for the cam.
If nothing else works, you can unplug the starter relay after starting the engine. That will prevent damage to the starter until you get it fixed.
Friday, August 7th, 2009 AT 8:45 PM