Wednesday, December 27th, 2023 AT 1:13 PM
I managed to damage the exhaust recirculation tube during a recent repair. The tube had to be removed in order to remove the upper intake manifold to gain access to the fuel injectors. The end of the tube that bolts into the exhaust pipe seized up and got twisted up beyond repair. I have not been able to locate a replacement tube. This tube is to divert hot exhaust to or from the exhaust pipe to the EGR valve. It is a full-length flexible metal tube that has an insulation wrap full length. The tube ID is 1/2" and I think it is about 8" long. The EGR end of the tube has a two-bolt mounting flange. The other end has a JIC female nut that secures the tube to the fitting in the exhaust pipe. I have had no luck so far with any vendor that has this tube picture or part number. I can not even find the EGR valve picture or part number, however the EGR valve was working before the tube got damaged, so I don't need the EGR itself. I need to know the factory part number for the tube only. And if you know who might have one. I think the Chevy Cavalier uses the same motor. This is a fuel injected multi-port engine, not a carbureted engine.