I have replaced the following components in search of the cause: MAF, cylinder 1 and 3 fuel injectors, EGR purge valve, coil packs and spark plugs on cylinder 1 and 3 (did them both as they are on the same side and accessible), Camshaft Position Sensor, both upstream and downstream O2 sensors, fuel filter and sock (since this model has them built in to the fuel pump cradle), Alternator and accessory belts, air filter, misc vacuum lines that were hard or cracked, throttle body to inter-cooler coupler, and and inter-cooler y-pipe. I have ran a can of Seafoam through the fuel system, and a cycle through the throttle body. I also run 91 octane fuel, which the highest rating available in my general area.
I have also done a compression test and leak down test with both have results well within appropriate ranges.
When the misfire first became present my fuel mileage dropped to about 120 miles per tank, after replacing all of the components listed about I am up to roughly 230-240 per tank which is still about 100 shy of the rated value (16.9 gallon tank, highway MPG's rated at 19, should get me roughly 320 on a fill up as I drive mainly city streets).
I have not had my battery tested, and have only scanned for codes with my basic tester since the nearest parts store is a fair distance from me. I have attached my latest freeze frame data from code reader.
Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 AT 9:38 AM