For some time now, my car has been getting into limp mode randomly while driving. The car struggles/hesitates while accelerating with the DSC (traction control) light on. I plugged into a computer a while back and it showed a code related to the clock spring. I don't remember what code it was. I have an appointment scheduled to get that fixed already. However, my car has also recently begun to cold start quite badly. It's like it struggles to start in both neutral and gear when cold (I'll attach a video if needed). It starts fine when the engine is warmed up. After these bad cold starts the DSC light comes up right away and the car is in limp mode for the entire drive. I'll get it fixed in some time anyway, but I was just purely wondering - could these bad starts be caused by the bad clock spring? No other lights show when the car starts badly, only the DSC light.
Thursday, April 20th, 2023 AT 9:20 AM