you have helped me out in the past. The Po137 (bad downstream lower 02 sensor. No voltage) and Po171 bad downstream )2 sensor heater. Do I have to repair these first or will these cause a PO103 code? The Po103 code is for HIGH CIRCUIT-A MASS FLOW SENSOR). I know how to prepalce the mass flow sensor, but wondering if the other codes are causing it to show a PO103?
I cleaned the mass flow sensor with MAF spray and made sure all the clamps and air filter was changed.I will see in a few days is the code shows at the auto store. I never got to check for continuity as u told me to do so between 02 connector and ECU 88 pin connector as I had knee surgery and can't work on car right now.
The PO103 is causing the car to almost stall at idle and running rough. Any help MUCH appreciated.I don't want to buy the mass flow part of I don't have to. The downstream sensor was replaced 2x and stillshows both )2 error codes. Must be wire problem as u said. Or corroded pin at ECU or ground. Please help asap. Thanks!
Thursday, August 28th, 2014 AT 7:51 AM