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Have you noticed any driveability issues? Based on experience, your mechanic is most likely correct. If it drives the same as always, you will be fine. However, if you want to replace it, that's your call. It isn't hard to do.
The component is mounted on the EVAP canister and is actually called a canister vent shut off valve. Often times, the valve will corrode and not move causing this code. If you look under the rear of the vehicle near the fuel tank, you will see it. I attached a few pics to help you identify it.
Now, before just replacing it, confirm there are no damaged or disconnected vacuum hoses around the EVAP canister. That can also cause this code. However, chances are the valve in question is stuck in the open position.
To replace it, remove the vacuum hose going to it and the two screws which hold it to the canister. It should pull straight out. If it doesn't, try turning it 1/4 turn counterclockwise to see if it will come out.
Once you get the new one, make sure it also has a new o-ring to prevent leaks. I always clean out where the valve goes and lubricate the new o-ring with Vaseline to prevent damage to the new o-ring. LOL
Although the car will most likely continue to run fine, it really should be replaced.
Pictures below.
1) I highlighted some of the vacuum hoses to check.
2) shows the part being removed.
3) it just a better picture of the part and canister.
Let me know if you have questions or need help.
Take care,
Images (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, October 19th, 2019 AT 7:23 PM