Clutch cable installation

  • 1970 PORSCHE 911
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 90,000 MILES
When I got the car listed above S model, it did not have a clutch cable installed. Therefore I have no idea how to hook it up (from pedal-clutch fork). Please show me (especially at the clutch fork) how all the parts go together. PS:I just rebuilt the entire pedal assembly with new springs and bronse bushings. Thank you guys for sharing your expert knowledge.
Thursday, October 11th, 2018 AT 3:24 PM

2 Replies

  • 49,912 POSTS

Here is what we have for the clutch cable, check the diagrams below.

There are three types of clutch cables: In 356, 912 and 911 models prior to 1970, cable housing is fixed and does not move. Each end of clutch cable has a clevis and adjuster. On 911 models from 1970 onward, clutch cable is attached to clutch pedal and transmission housing. At clutch end of cable housing, an adjuster with a pair of dogs engages clutch release lever. Opposite end of housing is rigidly attached to center tunnel rear panel. When clutch is depressed, housing moves clutch release lever (see Figure). On 914 and 914/6 models, cable is attached to lever arm and clutch pedal. At clutch end, cable runs around a pulley to reverse direction of cable pull.

Removal 356 B, C
Remove floor board behind clutch pedal. Remove lock nut and adjusting nut from clutch cable.
Place left rear of vehicle on floor stand and remove wheel. Withdraw spring clip and remove clevis pin. Remove clevis and lock nut from clutch cable. Disconnect cable housing from clamp on transmission and pull cable out of channel to rear.
Grease clutch cable. Slide cable through flexible housing several times. Pump grease into channel in frame with a grease gun until clean grease appears at forward end.
Thread cable through housing and tunnel with threaded end of cable facing adjusting bracket on transmission. Have an assistant block forward end of tunnel when installing cable to prevent grease loss.
Pull cable forward as far as possible and connect to link of clutch pedal lever. Install adjusting and lock nuts. Bevel of adjusting nuts fits in anchor bracket.
Insert end of flexible housing into bracket on transmission so that at least three threads on which rubber dust cap can be mounted protrude from bracket. Connect clevis to clutch release lever. Adjust travel and tighten lock nuts.
Removal 912 & 911 Prior To 1970
Loosen floor mats and fold them over. Raise rubber tunnel cover at front end and fold over.
Loosen lock nut of clevis in threaded portion of clutch cable, disengage spring clip from clevis and withdraw pin. Unscrew clevis and lock nut from clutch cable and pull cable out to rear of housing.
Loosen lock nut from adjusting nut and unscrew from rear threaded end of cable.
Grease cable and slide into housing from transmission end. Reverse removal procedures. Reset clutch clearance.

Removal 911 1970 & Later
Loosen lock and back off adjuster at clutch release lever. Pull clevis pin at clutch pedal.
Pull cable and housing out of cable guide brackets. Disengage cable housing from clutch release lever and disconnect cable from transmission. To install, reverse removal procedures.
Removal 914 & 914/6
Loosen cable adjuster lock nut and back off adjuster until clutch lever may be disengaged.
Pull cable housing back from mounting bracket and disengage cable from slot in bracket. Remove cable from pulley. Disconnect cable at clutch pedal and withdraw cable. To install reverse removal procedures.

Check out the diagrams (below). Please let us know if you need anything else to get the problem fixed.

Cheers, Ken
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Saturday, October 13th, 2018 AT 12:52 PM
  • 67 POSTS
  • 1970 PORSCHE 911
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 95,000 MILES
Thank you for your expert advice. However, there are several nuts and a rubber boot etc, that have to connect at the fork. Could you please illustrate exactly how they hookup and if there is a return spring at the fork. Thank you.
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Sunday, October 14th, 2018 AT 6:50 PM (Merged)

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