Monday, December 1st, 2008 AT 7:06 PM
About 5 or 6 months ago I turn the key to start the truck it felt like it was going to start and died the check light came on I try again and it started and runs fine. I drove up and had the code check (P1351) drove home about 2 miles round trip check a few things under the hood seem ok drive it around and run fine and the check light went out. I have change the plugs, wires, dis. Cap, rotor, ign. Module at dist. New coil. The only thing I did not change was the crank sensor all this was done at 95000 miles. This has happen about 5 or 6 times now and always will start the 2nd time and run fine and the light will go out after I start it up and drive it a few times. Fuel pressure is at 50-52 a little low and jumps up to 60+ as the pump runs. I have looked at the wiring and done a few test with meter and so far checks out ok. Do you have some place for me to look deeper(fuel pump) or a new place to start. Truck is a 2500 with 454