2003 Chevy Trailblazer My SUV stalls and jerks and dies whe

Shakes or Wobbles problem
2003 Chevy Trailblazer 6 cyl Two Wheel Drive Automatic

My 2003 trailblazer jerks and kicks when running and coming to a stop feels like its going to die and it does. Took it to the mechanic and replace the ignition coil and also the water pump needed replacement. I also put in a brand new battery. Now when I star it with the a/c off it runs smooth and fine, but when I turn on the A/C it does the same problem. Jerks stalls and dies. I turn the A/C off and it seem ok. What can the problem be now? Please advice.
Friday, September 24th, 2010 AT 9:48 AM

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  • 9 POSTS
I've been fighting the same problem for the last year plus. In time you will likely get a trouble code setting off the check engine/service engine soon light. The trouble code will be for the cam shaft position sensor and the crankshaft position sensor. I was Unfortunate enough to bring it to the wrong dealer for the first 3 tries to fix the problem and got ripped off. With research on line and talking with several mechanics I was told and found out one sensor will set off the other and both will need to be replaced. They are not too expensive, 80 U.S. Dollars for the two parts. After the sensors are changed the PCM will need to "relearn" the timing of the engine. This almost has to be done at a GM dealer, and cost about 80 U.S. Dollars. Total time to replace both sensors should be 1/2 hour. The cam shaft sensor is very easy to change, the crank shaft sensor is a bear to get at. I choose to change the cam sensor myself, but couldn't reach the crank sensor. Change both sensors and have GOOD DEALER relearn the computer system. Mine seems to be working for now, best of luck.
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Wednesday, June 15th, 2011 AT 8:25 PM

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