The 44 code is a low voltage from an oxygen sensor present for 50 seconds while in closed loop operation OR your o2 sensor or sensors are bad. Oxygen sensors cycle from low voltage to a higher voltage continuously when they are up to temperature. With 360000 miles? Well my friend I'm going out on a limb and I'm not going to suggest, I'm telling you, change all the oxygen sensors on your truck, I believe in 95 there may be two of them. One before and one after the cat. But there could be three depending on how your exaust system is set up. The 55 code is a voltage not present at fuel pump. Well, if the pump is running I would say that there may be a dirty ground to blame for this. There is a ground wire connected to the frame cross support just before or after the gas tank, it pokes out of the wire harness leading to the fuel pump. Sometimes it's hard to see but it's there somewhere. If this wire is corroded or making a bad connection it could cause this problem. Check it out and clean it up it can't hurt. But if your engine is running without cutting off I wouldn't worry about a 55 code. Sometimes the computer will throw codes just for the hell-of-it to get your addention I guess. Let me know how you make out. This site runs on small or large donations, please try to make one Thanks
p.S. If I helped you please give me some feedback thanks
Wednesday, November 21st, 2007 AT 11:18 AM