Ok water in the eng isnt good. At all. I would take off your sparkpulg caps, and check for water, ill bet ya money that theres alot lol. Get a ratchet and a long sized end that fits the spark plug (sry im not sure on the size) and undo them and take them out the water will go into a place were it will burn off and not mess up your car. Take the spark plugs and dry them off, then pul them back in. Make sure the water drained down. And no you dont have to dry the inside out. Pul them back in and the caps back on and give it a crank. A wise thing to do is only do one spark plug at a time so that you don't get the plugs mixed up (thats very bad idea) its not hard to do even if ur not good or new with engins, just take your time and watch what your doing. Also I for got to tell you to dry off the spark plug caps shake them out goood and dry. Hope that will fix your problum. If not try a tuneup, go to autozone and ask them to help u out with a tuneup thay will help you out.
Thursday, September 7th, 2006 AT 8:45 PM