The mechanic is going to be looking at quite a few things but I'll give you a list of what I know: Ball joints, inner and outer tie rods, brakes, windsield, tires, various bushings e.I. (Stabilizer bushings), rear brake adjustment, windshield wipers, headlights, tail lights, horn, seat belts, doors(to make sure they open and close), windows(to make sure they go up and down, exhaust system(check for leaks and proper hangers), axles, U-joints, washer fluid pump, license plate light. Those are some of the ones they look for but I probably missed some. Besides, every mechanic is different; you may get a mechanic that isn't really anal about the small stuff and then you might. But whatever you do don't take it to Canadian Tire for the safety. Hope I was helpful
Saturday, January 7th, 2006 AT 11:32 PM