Then, the intervals between the starting problem occurring, lessened, to the point where it just wouldn’t start, and since starters are a common problem with Vette’s (or so I am told), I purchased a starter, and when I started to install it, I noticed that the starter in the care didn’t appear to be that old, in fact, it looked in relatively good condition (like it had been replaced not too long ago).
Anyway, I replaced the starter, and before reassembling everything, I tired to start the car, and nothing, so I took the wires off the starter, and cleaned the ends with sandpaper (to make sure good contact was being made), and when I reconnected the wires, it started right up, and I started it several more times, and it started every time, so I put everything back together, and when I attempted to start it again, nothing, it wouldn’t even turn over, it was as if the battery were dead (but it wasn’t, I checked, and it was 95% charged).
So know I’m back to square one, and since I really can’t find an external (to the starter) relay, or a fusible link, or anything else in the starter circuit that might be the problem, I’m at a lose?
One final comment, I just went out in the garage and the damn thing just started right up, and I stared it a half a dozen times, and it started every time, so now I am going to go out and try to start it one more time before I send this message, and see what happens?
Yup, it started again, but since I have no confidence that it will keep starting, does anyone have any suggestion(s) regarding what I might check next?
Friday, February 27th, 2009 AT 12:21 AM