2.2 L 3speed automatic. He was on his way to see me about two hours away. Pulled into rest stop off freeway, had it in cruise, as he pulled off and slowed down heard a clunk. Parked car Restarted it sounded fine, put into reverse instantly stalled out. Towed to my house. Started up the next day, put into gear car moved without stalling. Put back into park let run for about 15 min. No noises from tranny then put into Reverse it stalled out right away. So replaced TCC Tranny filter and fluid. Started up no noise let car warm up in park for 15 min, then put into Raverse car stalls again, noise in tranny area. No codes.I think maybe its the Torque Converter, or maybe the trannsmission cooler is pluged. Any info helpful
Monday, February 5th, 2007 AT 12:09 PM