First, your dash board gauge only measures battery voltage when the engine is "Off". Once you start the engine, the gauge is now reading voltage from the alternator.
If the gauge needle is dipping drastically every time you turn something on, then your alternator or voltage regulator is faulty.
But first, you need to make sure that your ground strap is tight and not corroded. (This is a metal strap running from your engine block to any point on the frame) Then check your batter cables for corrosion, as well as the negative cable to where it terminates either on the engine block or frame.
Once you eliminate these as possible causes, then it is more than likely you have a weak alternator/voltage regulator.
***The Key to electrical problems***
If only one accessory is causing a large dip in voltage, then it's that particular accessory.
If many, or all, accessories are causing a large dip in voltage, then the problem is with whatever is supplying the voltage to begin with. (Or the cables)
Thursday, December 31st, 2009 AT 2:11 PM