Sunday, May 30th, 2010 AT 6:27 PM
2004 chevy blazer started acting up for brief minute then ran fine for another 5 hours or so then lost power and wouldnt go over 20mph. Then after that wouldnt even start. So we replaced wires (which two had melted) plugs, distributor, distributor cap, rotor, coil, maf. We removed the cat and muffler (with it the downstream o2s of course) and still runs rough. Idles fine but no pickup and about 8.5 mpg. Odb says bank 1 lean 0-1g and bank 2 rich 20g. Checked fuel pressure and its fine. We have a couple of ideas but dont know where to go from here. And keeps coming up with p0101 and p0300 codes through all of this. We changed the mass air flow and vacuum lines and put gas treatment and super in the gas.