Hi kcfchi. Welcome to the forum. Do you have a temperature gauge on the dash? If so, is it reading in the normal range or is it lower than normal? If it's low, suspect the thermostat.
If the gauge reads normal, or if you don't have one, feel the upper radiator hose after the engine has been running for ten to twenty minutes. It should be too hot to hold onto for very long. If not, again, suspect the thermostat. Next, feel the heater hoses. They should be just as hot. If only the heater hoses are cool, suspect as plugged heater core. They can often be flushed out with a garden hose.
If the heater hoses are hot but you're still getting cool air, there is a problem with the controller in the van or with the temperature door actuator.
Thursday, August 26th, 2010 AT 1:31 PM