Yep, here is the fluid type and how to change the fluid out with a generic guide for you to go over which will walk you through the steps with instructions for your car in the images below. Also, you have to use their fluid, or the transmission will not work.
Fluid Types
Automatic Transmission Fluid
Type .................... Genuine NISSAN Matic S ATF
Using automatic transmission fluid other than Genuine NISSAN Matic S ATF will cause deterioration in drivability and automatic transmission durability, and may damage the automatic transmission, which is not covered by the Infinity new vehicle limited warranty.
Automatic Transmission Fluid
Capacity* .................... 9-3/4 qt (9.2L)
*The fluid capacity is the reference value.
Check out the images (below). Please let us know if you need anything else to get the problem fixed.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 AT 11:16 AM