Car radio problem

  • 143,000 MILES
Ok so I changed the old car radio for a new one. We disconnected the car battery to be safe. When we re connected it, there was a weird thing happening. The car wouldn't start. We realised it was an old anti-starting system which got back in action. Then I found how to turn my engine on, so no problems as to drive my car. But. I don't have any electricals accessories working (including the new radio) when I don't turn on the engine. So no door light, no radio when my key is set to "accessories" really weird. I checked up the fuse box and the only fuse which got burnt was the ABS one. And also, when I turn my engine on, I set up all the details about the new radio, settings like favorite channels, sound quality, the time etc. But when I turn off my car, It's always resetted when I turn it on again. And my car clock always set back to 1:00 too. Any clues anyone? Thanks !
Friday, April 19th, 2013 AT 7:22 PM

1 Reply

  • 34,058 POSTS
You've overlooked a blown fuse, either under the hood or inside the car. There's a separate memory feed wire for the radio to maintain the station presets and clock on the radio. That circuit is always tied in with something else that's always live, like the interior lights. It's not necessary to disconnect the battery when you're just plugging in a different radio. Fuses often blow when the battery is reconnected due to the surges of the many computer memory circuits charging up.
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Friday, April 19th, 2013 AT 9:33 PM

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