Hi sorry to butt in, maybe u already got the car fixed but just incase ill tell u what u need. For what u say th symptoms r I most sure u need a lock up solenoid that goes in the transmission, not hard to change. If u look at the trans u will see a conection that goes on there on the side or the top of trans. To change it u must remove the side cover on trans not the oil pan but the side pan, really its not a pan but looks like one it goes on the side of trans. Need to remove tire posibly strut. Simple work. When u remove that pan u cant miss that lock up solenoid. Change it. If u dont wanna do the job yet just disconnect the plug from the trans outside and car will run and not stall but possibly u will lose just a bit of power and burn little more gas but u can drive it like that no worries but the best thing to do is change the lock up. When lock ups r no good car runs a bit when cold but as soon as it warms up the car will jerk n stall when u come to a stop or slow down. If u have qstion just pm me. Good luck
Monday, May 5th, 2008 AT 12:41 AM