1998 Buick Regal 6 cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic 140K miles
My 1998 Regal stalls periodically. I had this problem 3 years ago, also in the winter and it just went away. It has started again.
The engine will just shut off when driving as soon as the directional (left or right) is turned on. This only happens about every 10 times I use the directional. It appears that if my foot is not on the brake at the same time the car will re-start by itself. If my foot is on the brake, I have to put the car back into neutral and re-start it. It started three days ago, and during that incident (only time this has happened) the brake light came on and stayed on until the car was shutdown. Once it was shutdown and re-started the brake light was no longer on, but the speedometer was (and still is) pegged and does not work. The rest of the dashboard works fine.
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 AT 10:15 AM