1987 Buick Electra tune-up

Engine Performance problem
1987 Buick Electra 6 cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic

i am changing spark plug wires(the old ones are off
already)& I don't know which wire goes to which
spot on coil pack(it's distributerless, with one coilpack).
i was told that when on passengerside&facing motor
end with belt&pullies;the left or rear bank starting
with closest plug is 2-4-6 & the right or front bank
starting with closest is 1-3-5. What I need to know is
where each wire goes on coil pack since coilpack is
not marked with a number(i know i've seen some
that are marked&then no problem)the car has been
sitting because at that time it was doing that start&
run&drive fine, then shut off when it wants to&then
start again&drive when it wants to.I need to at least
get wires back on, hope its time to start&drive so I can
get it home to fix the stalling&starting problem(no spark at times&plenty of fuel I think I remember that
was how it was when it stalls&starts whenever. Please
i'll appreciate any helpful info for figuring that out.1st
i need 2 get wires on&get it home. Thanx, Don
Saturday, January 23rd, 2010 AT 9:03 AM

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The first thing you have to do is next time put in what size motor it is 3.1?3.8? But if you look at the engine the cylinder that is farthest forward is #1 so if it's on the left side it's #1. If it's a 3.1 then yes. And GM marks there cylinders LH 1-3-5 RH 2-4-6. If the motor is sitting sideways hen the LH side is the front side. Next time you do this replace one wire at a time that way you get the correct length as well as not screwing up he cylinder firing order. Then go to the tune-up under repair on the site here and you click on that and you will see a bunch of pictures. It shows the throttle plate, take choke cleaner and clean that off as that creates alot of problem with stalling and stumbling.
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Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 AT 5:20 PM

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