1987 Buick Electra 6 cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic
i am changing spark plug wires(the old ones are off
already)& I don't know which wire goes to which
spot on coil pack(it's distributerless, with one coilpack).
i was told that when on passengerside&facing motor
end with belt&pullies;the left or rear bank starting
with closest plug is 2-4-6 & the right or front bank
starting with closest is 1-3-5. What I need to know is
where each wire goes on coil pack since coilpack is
not marked with a number(i know i've seen some
that are marked&then no problem)the car has been
sitting because at that time it was doing that start&
run&drive fine, then shut off when it wants to&then
start again&drive when it wants to.I need to at least
get wires back on, hope its time to start&drive so I can
get it home to fix the stalling&starting problem(no spark at times&plenty of fuel I think I remember that
was how it was when it stalls&starts whenever. Please
i'll appreciate any helpful info for figuring that out.1st
i need 2 get wires on&get it home. Thanx, Don
Saturday, January 23rd, 2010 AT 9:03 AM