We are going to have to take the wheels off again and find out if there is anything rubbing the rotor which is most likely the noise that you are hearing.
The easiest way is to lift the rear of the vehicle and spin the wheels and see if you can hear which side it is coming from.
However, as for the lights on in the dash, I assume we have an issue with a wheel speed sensor, but we need to start with checking the codes to find out which one unless you can inspect them and make sure one is not left unhooked.
Here is a guide that will help with this, but we need to make sure the scan tool used can communicate with the ABS system.
I also attached the info below for replacing the rear pads and rotors. I am not sure you need this, but it is there if you or someone else does.
Please let us know what you find with this, and we can go from there.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Sunday, October 24th, 2021 AT 2:57 PM