Sunday, July 28th, 2019 AT 9:54 AM
When I leave work from my car sitting in a hot paved parking lot during the day over approx 90 degrees outside according to my car temperature, all 4 of my brakes are locked on. When I put brake on to take it out of gear they do not release. I drive it down the road for about a mile with steering wheel starting to shake and gas pedal to the floor to a shade tree to cool down. All 4 wheels are very hot to touch and smell of burning brakes. After 5 to 10 minutes of cool down in shade I am good to go. Last year this only happened 3 times when it got to a 100 degrees outside. This year much more often at a lower temperature. The dealer and other shops say they never heard of this. I was thinking bad brake rubber hoses but I don't think so and all 4 at the same time? This has me and everyone stumped. Once summer hot weather passes it will work fine.