2003 BMW 745 sound in tranny

  • 2003 BMW 745
  • V8
  • 2WD
  • 74,000 MILES
When I slow down to stop at a sign my transmissions starts its down shift. When it gets to first it sounds like it drops, like a clunk. It happens more often if I approach faster and slow down quicker. I hear it going thru the down shift 3 smooth, 2 smooth, 1 clunk. Almost like first is out of sync. If I approach a stop very slow it does not do it. I am not speeding then coming to a direct stop. Any ideas?

it is a 745I sport, another quick question. I just replaced the tires AGAIN. They seem to wear from the inside out. At about 7000 miles it starts to rumble. The car is aligned. Bmw told me that because the car is so heavy with the sport suspension set up, this is the proper wear for the tires. I find that hard to belive at 350 a tire that BMW would manufactuer a suspension that would gobble tires up so quick. Ur thoughts?
Monday, March 29th, 2010 AT 6:09 PM

3 Replies

  • 9,603 POSTS
In response to the shifting, has the car had the lastest software update? Often, the issues in the E-65 cars is the software. The tire issue is driven by the amount of negative camber BMW calls for in the sport models. It may also be that the alignment was performed without the added weight in each of the front seats (68 kilos each) the same in the center of the rear seat, and a full tank of fuel. These are needed to bring the car to the correct ride height for alignment to tbe correct, and the weight does indeed change the settings.
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Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 AT 12:22 PM
  • 2 POSTS
I do not think it has has the latest software update. Wouldn't they automatically do that when I took it in? The tires have been a problem from day one. I just had it aligned at bmw two weeks ago because I bought new tires. My guess is they did not do what you recommended with the weight. Will that resolve the uneven wear? Again, being a BMW tech I would automatically think they would know to do this regarding the sport model. Thank you for your help, I will call them tomorrow.
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Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 AT 8:47 PM
  • 9,603 POSTS
I don't know if they did their job correctly or not. The suspension adjustments should have been printed out, let me know if you have that document. The software update on an out of warranty vehicle is not automatically done, if it needs it, it would be customer pay.
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Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 AT 11:02 AM

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