You supplied very little info about your truck.
Please send Model/ sub-model/ engine size/ etc/ etc, your VIN might also help out a lot.
Not knowing a bunch about your rig, it may also help to know if it has Daylight Running Lights or any other special kinda bells and whistles that may vary model to model.
I will attempt to find a correct wiring diagram in "Prodemand" that 'could' 'possibly' aid in finding your problem. Many times you must be very specific in the 'prompts' they ask for as they funnel you down to a diagram.
I'm more of a Jeep kinda feller, I'll try to give you a hand going over a diagram. The cool thing here is that there are already some of my colleagues working on this (others may still jump in), the new info you supply, or maybe that I locate might collectively help to find a solution to your dilemma.
Thanks a bunch
The Medic
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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016 AT 10:07 PM