Anti-theft will not turn off after having a new key made?

  • 60,000 MILES
I can't start my car. I had a key cut and did the 30-minute reset did not work should the original key now does not work what do I do?
Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 AT 6:20 PM

1 Reply

  • 49,691 POSTS
Is the security light flashing when you try to crank it or? If not, the security system is disabled. If so, let's do a hard system reboot to see if it helps. this guide can help show you how:

If this doesn't work here is the correct way to do the 10-minute relearn.

Programming Immobilizer System Components

10-Minute Immobilizer Relearn

This 10-minute relearn procedure will relearn the prerelease password and the challenge/response data between the theft deterrent module (TDM) and the engine control module (ECM).

1. Connect a scan tool to the vehicle.
2. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
3. Ensure that all power consuming devices are turned OFF on the vehicle.
4. With a scan tool, select Request Info. under Service Programming System and follow the scan tool on-screen instructions.
5. Disconnect the scan tool from the vehicle and connect the scan tool to a Techline Terminal with the current Service Programming System (SPS) software.
6. On the Techline Terminal, select Service Programming System and follow the Techline Terminal on-screen instructions. Ensure the correct programming selection is chose based on component being replaced or programmed. For this procedure, go to the V.T.D. Vehicle Theft Deterrent Learn menu and choose the Vehicle Theft Deterrent Learn, ECM, or PK3 Replaced selection.
7. Disconnect the scan tool from the Techline Terminal and reconnect the scan tool to the vehicle.
8. With a master vehicle key, turn ON the ignition with the engine OFF.
9. With a scan tool, select Program ECU under Service Programming System.
10. At this point the scan tool must remain connected for the duration of the 10-minute relearn procedure.

Please upload pictures or videos in your response of any problems so we can see what to help you with.
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Friday, August 23rd, 2024 AT 7:33 AM

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