Following codes are in the computer C1226, C1232 and C1248?

  • 3.1L
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 143,000 MILES
Here is a funny one that has kind of got me puzzled. I checked all the ABS wiring from ABS module to each wheel sensor. The wiring checks out, did a continuity check on each wire all the wires check out. I also check the resistance to each sensor left right 1083 ohms left front 1048 ohms Rr 1044 ohms right front 1240 ohms. I replaced the right front hub going to replace the left front hub in the next couple days. What is strange is if I just connect the left front speed sensor to the harness I get a ohms reading as soon as I put the connector back in place to hold the connector I have an open circuit. I am pretty sure it is the left front speed sensor that is causing all my problems. I do not have a scan tool so I had advance Auto check the codes the following codes are in the computer C1226, C1232 and C1248. The last code is kind of worrisome I do not know if it is because of the traction control or the speed sensor causing the issue or is it more serious and the ABS module is bad? So any input would be welcomed. Thanks
Sunday, September 9th, 2018 AT 4:21 PM

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  • 18,907 POSTS
I think you are close to the issue, so we need to keep going with the testing that you are doing.

If each sensor falls in the range, then the sensor is ok but if you are putting it back in the connector and moving the wiring and it goes to an open circuit then this means you most likely have a wiring issue.

I am attaching the testing for the first code as this is the primary code that we need to track down and make sure we don't have other issues or confirm a wiring issue.

Please run through this and let me know what you find, and we can go from there. Thanks
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Thursday, December 9th, 2021 AT 1:40 PM

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