Vehicle is still stalling after replacing the TPS?

  • 2.2L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 133,000 MILES
So, around a few months ago (I want to say November/December 2022), I noticed that I was having issues with my vehicle. Specifically, when I would stop at a light or sign, my car would stall and die. I also noticed a couple times that my car would jerk whenever I would shift from park to drive as well as hitting around 15 MPH. I took it to my usual mechanic, and he told me that the Throttle Position Sensor was bad. So, I had that replaced and I thought I was in the clear. Until I wasn't. About a week ago, it started to do the same things again, stalling and jerking when shifting. This time a check engine light came on. When I checked it, it said that the TPS was failing, but I don't think that's the case. Like I said, I just got this done a few months ago.

So pretty much what I'm asking is what else could be causing this? My personal thought is that it has to do with the car's ignition system, but like I said, I'm not too sure.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you :D
Tuesday, February 14th, 2023 AT 10:54 PM

1 Reply

  • 5,072 POSTS
Hello, what code are you getting for the TPS exactly? There are different code types, some are circuit codes, some are performance codes, if you can give us the number, it will be P followed by 4 numbers, we can look up the code setting criteria and see if it's a wiring issue, or if something else is happenings. If you're stalling at stops, it sounds like there is something going on with the Idle Air control valve. When you stop the throttle plates will close, blocking off air flow, lowering the rpm, etc. If it was a problem with the ignition coils you would have trouble driving all the time. Along with cylinder misfire codes. You may have a carbon build up on the throttle plates, a vacuum leak, or a bad idle air control valve. Are you noticing higher RPMs at stops than you used to have?
If you're feeling a jerk when putting the vehicle into Drive it sounds like the idle might be too high. If the mechanic did not do any diagnostics, or checking the system to see why it might be setting the code, and instead just replaced the TPS because of a code, there can be something else causing this. But the code number will help.
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Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 AT 6:14 AM

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